Roth heat pump systems - high heating costs? Not with our systems!

Roth heat pump technology means using renewable energies within your own four walls all year round. The highly efficient technology makes it possible to immediately and sustainably reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to drastically reduce the heating costs for one's private household. Heat pumps make use of the energy present in the natural environment as the source of heat for heating systems and for warm water supply – and, optionally, for cooling. Their reliable operation and efficiency have been demonstrated by many years of practical use. They offer the attractive reassurance of being independent of fossil fuels.               

Well-being at half price
Fossil energy sources are becoming more expensive. Property developers and central heating modernisers will also have to reckon on high energy prices in the future – unless, they decide upon a heat pump system. This is the only system that can reduce heating energy costs by up to 50 percent.

Lots of heat from natural environment, little operating power
Roth heat pumps combine energy efficiency and the deployment of renewable energies for heating, cooling and warm water supply in a single system in an ideal way. Independent of the time of day or season, they provide heating with up to 80 percent of stored solar energy supplied free of charge by the environment and 20 percent of electricity as operating power. Electricity has the advantage that, on the one hand, the amount of renewable energy generated by wind and sun is continuing to increase and that, on the other hand, the rising price of electricity only affects the heat pumps to 20 percent since the major share of heat energy is drawn from the environment free of charge.

Great living comfort, negligible impact on the environment
Heat pumps heat without flames and, hence, also without toxic emissions. No CO2 or particulate matter in residential areas pollute the environment. The specific method of operation reduces CO2 emissions by up to 50 percent compared to conventional boilers. And the cleaner the power generation, the better the environmental effect of the heat pump.

You can contact our hotline heat pumps Monday – Friday 7:00 – 19:00 h,

Saturday + Sunday: 10:00 h – 16:00 h, phone number: +49 (0) 6466/922-300.    
