Roth AuraModul®
With a power level of 12 and extremely quiet operation, Roth AuraModul® heat pumps can be flexibly deployed in properties from single up to multiple family houses.
The installation of the AuraModul® is simple and quick. To use the outside air, the Roth air channels are required for suction and blowing out the cooled air. This is carried out via light shafts or by positioning the AuraModul® on the ground floor directly above weather protection fences that are integrated in the house wall. Corner installation of the AuraModul® is practical to avoid short circuit between the air that is sucked in and blown out.
The domestic water storage tanks, specially matched to the Roth heat pumps in function and design, are an ideal addition to the drinking water supply. To ensure the necessary defrosting, the combination of the Roth buffer storage tank to place below with the Roth heat pump storage tank UP 140 is optimal for the Roth AuraModul® 12 kW. The buffer storage tank has the same design as the AuraModul® to provide not only a functional but also visual unit between the heat pump and storage tank.