Roth energy logic - Roth floor heating and Roth heat pump connected in an energy efficient way
Skilful selection of the heat source and the heat distribution system can have a positive effect on the power figures or annual working figures of the heat pumps as early as the system planning phase. The best power figures are achieved with steady temperatures of the heat source in the positive temperature range and low supply temperatures in the heat distribution system. This can ideally be achieved by combining them with Roth floor heating systems. For this reason, the operation of heat pumps is particularly economical in the low temperature range connected with large heating or cooling distribution areas. Large heating and cooling systems from Roth which are installed in floors, walls or ceilings are the ideal heating or cooling distribution systems for buildings.
Roth energy logic provides an ideally intercoordinated, complete energy system
Based on many years of experience as leading manufacturer and planner of floor heating and cooling systems, Roth invented the Roth energy logic as an integral regulation system that ideally networks energy generation and distribution. Roth heat pumps, floor heating and cooling systems as well as energy logic provide the user with an optimally coordinated – and hence particularly energy saving – system.
Roth energy logic achieves energy saving with a heat supply that is ideally matched to the requirements of floor heating systems with the lowest possible energy supply. The regulation modules of the integral Roth energy logic – room, zone and heat pump (HP) – link the entire heat pump and floor heating system energy efficiently. The room regulation of the Roth floor heating and cooling system determines the energy requirement. The zone regulation takes over the target/actual adjustment based on the received room information and defines the target temperatures of the system. The demand oriented power requirement of the heat pump is fulfilled by the master function of the zone regulation unit in coordination with the heat pump regulation unit.
Adjusted to the lowest possible temperature level, the energy demand that arises from the combination of the energy logic and floor heating results in energy savings of up to 15 percent throughout the entire system. At the same time, gentle strain ensures an exceptionally long lifetime of the equipment.