Third place for Roth glass showers in the markt intern performance survey


Dautphetal-based glass and complete shower manufacturer Roth came third in trade magazine markt intern's performance survey. The result was determined in a representative survey of specialist craftsmen on "shower and bath tub screens", "bath tubs and shower trays" and "ceramic sanitaryware". 16 companies have been analysed. Editor-in-chief Hans Georg Pauli presented the certificate in person in the Roth atrium in Dautphetal.

Roth's executive and sales managers were pleased with the excellent result. Dr Anne-Kathrin Roth said: "We are delighted that markt intern readers rated us so highly and that we managed to get on the "podium" with third place. We would like to thank the specialist craftsmen for rating us good or very good in the individual categories. We are among the leaders in at least eight out of nine categories. This result shows that we have made an effort in the right areas and it encourages us to retain our position as a market leader in the future."

Dr Anne-Kathrin Roth also said: "The fact that we came first in the Fair conduct and orientation towards specialist dealers category is particularly pleasing. This is due to our consistent orientation towards the three-tiered sales channel, which we enhance through our membership of the Craftsmen's Association. The criteria that manufacturers have to meet to become a member are very stringent and offer specialist wholesalers and craftsmen a high level of security and numerous benefits."

Michael Pohl, Sales Manager for Sanitary Systems, explained: „"We are particularly pleased to be placed second by the craftsmen for the important aspects of Product quality/workmanship, Complaint handling, Supply of spare parts, Ease of installation and Technology. The result reflects several policies that we follow in a targeted manner:
- a focus on high product quality
- the continuous optimisation of our production processes – both in our modern series production and at the Roth glass shower factory
- the consistent, extensive expansion of the Roth service network." 

In terms of product quality, Roth glass showers provide craftsmen with important installation aids such as the invisible horizontal precise adjustment system of the door profiles and the continuous vertical adjustment feature of the door fittings that are preassembled in the factory. Roth complete showers can be installed without silicone, which ensures that installation is quick and easy.

Roth came third in the categories Support from the manufacturer, Advertising to end consumers/sales support, Range policy and Delivery service/punctuality of delivery. Michael Pohl said: "Our company's extensive sanitary system field service gets there quickly – and our customers appreciate this, as shown by the rating. With regard to our range policy, although our ranges do not cover all product segments, they do score points by providing solutions to real problems, such as semi-circular showers for narrow bathrooms that can be folded away, solutions for the corner of a room with a window, like the ones we presented at the SHK trade fair in Essen, or the new room solution Cariba Room, which combines a shower room with a practical space. Having our own carefully designed sanitary logistics system ensures regular weekly deliveries without problems. We have many years of experience and a wealth of expertise in working with glass."